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theran Churches only — however little they may agree
in the nicer points of this doctrine and its consequences.
— will be found a deeper and a juster estimate of this
sacrament ; for every thing which we have endeavored
to add to it through the excitement of feelings to the
highest point, by meditating upon the Lord, only pro-
duces a certain shrinking from considering it merely as
commemorative. They feel the necessity of giving the
congregation a nutriment which is not mere crumbs,
but a satisfying bread of life ; and they but add spices,
forgetting that these are only designed to give flavor,
and not to content hunger."
  "How, then," inquired Mander, "can you associate
such forgetfulness with the high priesthood which you
have just attributed to those men who are pillars in the
church of God, and among whom you reckon Zwinglius
and Calvin ?"
  "Remember, that to the authority of these Gospel
heroes, I found a check in the comparison of their ac-
cordance with the testimony of other witnesses. Where
there is agreement, I submit cheerfully ; and there is
this agreement in the vital point of the Gospel, the
doctrine of redemption ; where there is not this agree-
ment, I search with more zeal the Word of life, but I
rejoice when the truth that I find, has many other wit-
nesses in the Church of God."
  "I must frankly confess," said Mander, "that the
words, 'Do this in remembrance of me,' seem to me so
natural in the mouth of the Saviour at the moment
when they were spoken — just before the death upon the
cross — and the institution to which they referred, seems
so naturally connected with the hour of separation, that

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